On April 16, 2024, WiD hosted a joint event with WIDS CANADA titled “Mission Possible: Strategies for Career Development of Women in the Military Sphere.” Based on the discussions during this event and the subsequent recommendations from the participants of “Women in Defence,” key recommendations were formulated.
Military Education:
- Training girls on par with boys starting from general education schools (military training);
- Open access and encouragement for women to all levels of military education, including the strategic level;
- Educational courses on gender equality at all levels of military education;
- Elements of gender equality topics in all educational programs;
- Working with men: the command and personnel should understand the concept of gender equality and that women are a valuable combat unit;
- Lifting age restrictions on education (currently 45 years).
Military Service:
- Development and implementation of procedures for identifying discrimination, barriers to career development and education of women, and a system of penalties for such obstruction;
- Increasing the number of women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
- Fair selection for career growth, addressing biases;
- Appropriate infrastructural conditions, equal access to resources and provisions that meet women’s needs;
- Open combat positions (in practice, not just theoretically).
State Administration:
- Equal access and participation of women in decision-making related to the military sphere;
- Inclusion of gender equality issues in all strategic military documents;
- Support and development of a system of official and unofficial positions on gender equality (advisors);
- Transparent conditions for career development in public service;
- Measures to enable the combination of family and work responsibilities.
Relevant for All Spheres:
- Uniting in organizations, mutual support, and mentorship;
- Joint events, conferences where there is an opportunity to share knowledge and experience;
- Accompaniment and mentorship of women who wish to grow;
- Existence and effectiveness of mechanisms for complaints about sexual harassment and discrimination, effective hotlines;
- Activities and programs to motivate women to build careers, leadership training to build self-confidence, and adding strength in achieving set goals;
- Highlighting women’s contributions to bringing victory closer